Prevailing over Pressure by Prayer – Luke 22:39-46 April 5, 2020 Andrew Clemow Christ Suffering, Passion, Prayer, Temptation The Gospel of Luke Luke
The Hardening of the Heart Luke 21:37-Luke 22:1-6 March 15, 2020 Warrick Jones contemplation, Greed, Hard Heart, Heart, Idolatry, Judas, participant, Temptation The Gospel of Luke Luke
It’s What’s Inside That Counts – Daniel 6 July 28, 2019 Tom Golding God's Kingdom, Persecution, Pressure, Problems, Squeezing, Temptation Daniel
Dealing with Temptations, Contentions and Forgiveness May 27, 2018 Paul Mitchell Forgiveness, Temptation Journey to the Cross, The Gospel of Luke Luke
Forgive Us Our Sins March 4, 2018 Rob Pye Forgiveness, Prayer, Temptation Lord Teach Us to Pray, Prayer, The Gospel of Luke, The Lords Prayer Luke