Sealed by God – Ephesians 1:11-14 April 11, 2021 Scotty Delemare Adoption, Glory of God, Holy Spirit, Inheritance, Plan, Praise, Promise, Purpose, Seal, Trinity The Richness of God's Grace Ephesians
Modelling Godly Character – Galatians 5:16-22 September 6, 2020 Terry Bradley Demonstrating the fruits of the spirit, Fruit of the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Justification, know be do, Purpose, Sanctification, Showing Christ, Sin, Strength Fruitfulness on the Front Line Galatians
When You Put Your Life in Gods Hands, God puts Peace in Your Own Life February 10, 2019 Scotty Delemare Conviction, Creation, David, God, Light, Omnicsience, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Paths, peace, Presence of God, Purpose Psalms