Inside the Fish – Jonah 2 August 27, 2023 Jacob Jongkind Calling, Doubt, Great Commission, Israel, Miracles, Mission Jonah, Jonah - Beyond our Walls Jonah
The Difference a Day can Make July 15, 2018 Roland Stark Compassion, Faith, Jesus Christ, Miracles, Perspective, Pharisees, Sabbath Journey to the Cross, The Gospel of Luke Luke
Luke 8:40-56 Giving Hope to the Hopeless March 19, 2017 Warrick Jones Hope, Jesus, Miracles The Gospel of Luke Luke
Luke 8: 26-39 Healing the Demoniac March 12, 2017 Andrew Clemow Demons, Hope, Jesus, Miracles The Gospel of Luke Luke
Luke 8:22-25 Jesus Calms the Storm – His Authority March 5, 2017 Andrew Clemow Hope, Jesus, Miracles The Gospel of Luke Luke