A Heart for the Master – 1 Peter 3:15 November 5, 2023 Warrick Jones Heart, Jesus Christ, Lord, Lordship, Messiah, Relationship, The Heart, Transformation 1 Peter - Living Hope 1 Peter
Taming the Tongue – James 3:2-12 January 29, 2023 Scotty Delemare Faith, Heart, Holy Spirit, Mission, Speech, Tongue James
Ministering Grace & Love – Luke 10:25-37 October 4, 2020 Scotty Delemare Demonstrating the fruits of the spirit, Fruit of the Spirit, God's Love, Grace, Heart, Mind, Neighbour, Soul, Strength Fruitfulness on the Front Line Luke
The Heart Condition July 12, 2020 Tom McIvor Dead, Distracted, Deluded, Delivered, Desiring, God, Heart Jeremiah, Proverbs, Psalms
The Hardening of the Heart Luke 21:37-Luke 22:1-6 March 15, 2020 Warrick Jones contemplation, Greed, Hard Heart, Heart, Idolatry, Judas, participant, Temptation The Gospel of Luke Luke
The Response of the Heart – Luke 20:45-47 February 23, 2020 Scotty Delemare Heart, Jesus Christ, ministry, Money, Motive, motives, Pharisees, Sacrifice The Gospel of Luke Luke