The Generous Giver March 25, 2018 Warrick Jones Generous, Lavish, Prayer Lord Teach Us to Pray, Prayer, The Gospel of Luke, The Lords Prayer Luke
Persist in Prayer March 18, 2018 Isaac Jones Boldness, Persistence, Prayer, Reliance Lord Teach Us to Pray, The Lords Prayer Luke
Forgive Us Our Sins March 4, 2018 Rob Pye Forgiveness, Prayer, Temptation Lord Teach Us to Pray, Prayer, The Gospel of Luke, The Lords Prayer Luke
Give us Each Day our Daily Bread. February 25, 2018 Roland Stark Daily Needs, Give, Source Lord Teach Us to Pray, Prayer, The Gospel of Luke, The Lords Prayer Luke
Prayer Like Jesus – The Lords Prayer – Luke 11:2 February 18, 2018 Scotty Delemare Father, Hallowed, Holiness, Kingdom, Lords Prayer, Lordship, Prayer Lord Teach Us to Pray, Prayer, The Gospel of Luke, The Lords Prayer Luke
The Disciples Pattern of Prayer February 4, 2018 Andrew Clemow Prayer Lord Teach Us to Pray, Prayer, The Gospel of Luke, The Lords Prayer Luke