Monstrous Beasts and where they Take Us! Job 40,41 May 24, 2020 Andrew Clemow Behemoth, Creation, Evil, Leviathan, Satan, Sovereignty God's Sovereignty in our Suffering Job
Amazing God – Job 38-39 May 17, 2020 Murray Stevenson Creation, Faith, God, Supremacy, Trust God's Sovereignty in our Suffering Job
Treasures in the Darkness – Job 28 & 29 May 10, 2020 Andrew Clemow Mediator, Suffering, Wisdom God's Sovereignty in our Suffering Job
The Trial of Job – What we can learn from his friends – Job 4 – 31 April 26, 2020 Scotty Delemare Condemnation, encouragement, Jesus Christ, Job, Repentance, Righteousness, Satan, Spiritual warfare, Suffering God's Sovereignty in our Suffering Job
Suffering: Why, Why, Why – Job 1-2 April 19, 2020 Paul Mitchell encouragement, Suffering God's Sovereignty in our Suffering