Andrew Clemow

Andrew Clemow

Kia ora.  In this season of life I am experiencing the great blessing of working “full time” to pastor this vibrant, growing church, along with my co-leaders.

I bowed the knee to Jesus Christ at age 17, from a non-Christian background.  I had been powerfully convicted of my sinfulness by reading Matthew 5.  When I took Jesus as Saviour I knew very little about what it was all about, but I did know that continuing to live to satisfy my selfish lusts was no longer an option.  Since then, it has been “game on” in the adventure of knowing God.

I am married to Megan and we love spending time together, working together and travelling when we can.  Our two daughters are young adults now living in Hamilton. We love catching up with them as much as we can.

I did my teenage years in Whangarei, then went to law school in Auckland and worked there as a litigation and employment lawyer for about 14 years.

My passion is to glorify God, displaying His excellence and beauty in my life and doing all I can to equip this church for mission and maturity in Christ.  To this end, I focus primarily on expository Bible preaching, teaching the word, developing leaders, and caring for and visiting church members in need.

Rob Pye