As a church community, we are connecting the unconnected to Christ and together growing up in Him.
We are not isolated but connected to each other in Christ. We have a shared life in Christ. It is in this context that we help each other grow and reach out to those who do not know Jesus personally.
Did you see the emphasis on mission? “Connecting the unconnected to Christ”. We believe that those who are not connected to Christ are missing out on real life; eternal life. We play our part in connecting them to Christ by living and proclaiming the gospel (the good news about who God is and what he has done in Jesus Christ).
Did you notice the emphasis on maturity? “Together growing up in Him”. The goal of salvation is not merely a “free pass” into heaven. As we are connected to Christ, the head of the church, we are to grow up into him, like a body getting bigger and stronger. This is more about maturity of Christian character than numerical growth.
So our vision is for the God to be glorified (i.e. his beauty displayed) in Kamo, Whangarei and beyond by our togetherness in mission and maturity, with Christ as the head and heart of it all.