Our Connect Groups are like indispensable cells in our church body. The three purposes of our Connect Groups, which are applications of our mission statement (see page…) can only be fully experienced if you actively take part in a Connect Group. Current Connect Groups are listed on the next page. If you do not find one that is right for you, then consider whether God is calling you to help start a new Connect Group. The forms of Connect Groups are varied but we encourage every group to strive toward the fulfillment of the following purposes:
Connection – Connecting the unconnected to Christ (this may be as simple as praying for each other’s non- Christian friends or teaming up to socialise with outsiders for evangelistic purpose or simply connecting with other church members beyond what is possible at the Sunday morning service.
Relationships – We value growing in our relationship with Christ (through the word, prayer, encouragement). Also, our goal is that from within the Connect Group, you will find one or more people with whom you can go deeper in relationships with one another. We desire that you experience the sort of relational trust that would allow you to talk to them openly and honestly, if you were really struggling with an aspect of life or faith.
Care – Connect groups are the front line of pastoral care in our church.
Please contact Scotty, Andrew or our office team if you are keen to join a Connect Group